Why Do We Even Study the Bible?

Why Do We Even Study the Bible?
Maybe you’ve been a Christian for just a short amount of time. Maybe you have been walking with God for most of your life, like me. There comes a point in time when we look at our Bibles and we think, “What is the point?” We know we should read it. The preacher and teachers at church tell us to read our Bibles. We study it. Maybe we’ve taken Bible study classes or studied the Bible with other women, but have you ever stopped to think about why we do this?
I think there are a few reasons why we study the bible but then I think there is an ultimate reason.

Here are three reasons why we study the Bible.
- To Hear. The Bible is truly words from God and if we love God we want to know what He is telling us. We want to hear what God has to say because He has spoken. God is a God of words. In the beginning it says God spoke creation into being. The very first act of God recorded as it relates to this world is that He spoke. Words are important to God and we need to be ready to listen.
- To Love. The Bible helps us love God more. The more we know about GOd th more we fall in love with His ways and His character. Our affections and emotions are all over the place sometimes. We need to be grounded in the truths of God’s Word so that we can keep our hearts on fire and in love with God. The Bible helps us have a right relationship ith God.
- To Live. How do we live well with the people in our lives? The Bible tells us how to do that. Not only does the BIble tell us how to live, it helps us understand the people in our lives. The stories, the poetry, the instructions, and even the prophecy provides for us a way to live like Christ and become light to this world.

Share It
Ultimately there is one reason why we study the Bible. Last month at church our pastor was preaching and he said something that has stuck with me for weeks. He said the purpose of Bible study is to share it. Ultimately, we strive to demonstrate to others that through the Scriptures we see Jesus as Messiah. Jesus Is the message of the Bible.
Who in your life would benefit from a Bible verse today? Send them something you’ve read recently that will help them! If you have a favorite passage or story, share that with a friend. Encourage them to see that Jesus loves them, died for them, and rose again so we can have eternal life. Don’t keep your faith and the words you read in the Bible to yourself. Share it!
We must share God’s good news with the world! That is the purpose of why we study, learn, read, and devote our life to God!
Learn more about How to Study the Bible with this free workbook!

Hi, please don’t get annoyed, I was just saved and I started reading the Bible, and as a woman I just find it kind of aimed towards men and a bit sexist, but I love god so much and I trust him, but I just find it hard to read ): any advice would be helpful, god bless! Also loved the article!