How to Have Hope Again

How to have hope again….
The darkness often seems too dark. In the middle of the winter months, especially here in the hills of Appalachia, my heart sometimes aches with the darkness all around. The nights have been especially cold as well, and for someone who battles seasonal depression each year it is hard to have hope.
Have you ever felt like hope was a joke?
Me too. But, you and I are not alone. Hope is not a joke and if you are struggling with finding some hope, I pray that you will know this: HOPE WILL COME! As my good friend, Michelle says, hope prevails. Hope will not just show up one day. But we can hope again. It isn’t easy and often we need someone else to walk with us, but let’s start with these three things first. These are three things we can start believing. They might be hard to do but they can be a stepping stone to hope!

3 Things to Believe Right Now
- Believe God’s Word to be true. Even though our circumstances, our depression, and our anxiety might seem to say we can’t have hope, God’s word says we can. The Bible says there is hope. Let’s start believing God’s Word and not the lies of the enemy.
- Believe that life won’t always be this way. Life never stays the same. Although it might be that life has been hard for a very long time, it won’t always be this way. Change is coming. Maybe it is time you and make that change by looking to God and believing
- Believe we aren’t alone. Hope is almost always impossible alone. We were not created to be independent. God is there with us, but He has also placed other people in our lives. Reach out. Cry out. Send that text. Take that Sunday and go to church. Other Christians are open and willing to help you through this hard season. Seek out help.

You Can Believe Again!
If you look at those three things today and say: YES. I want to believe that God’s word is true, life won’t always be this way, and I can’t do it alone – I want to invite you to join me in listening to something BRAND NEW. LISTEN HERE.
My friend Jen and I have put together a podcast called, “Psalms to Help You Sleep.” As sort of an introduction you can listen to the first episode now. This is a special one-time episode where we talk about the goals and prayers we have for this podcast. I hope you check it out!

Available NOW!!!
In this new podcast we hope to provide a special resource just for you. If you struggle to fall asleep at night or go through your day fighting anxiety and depression pull up a chair. Psalms is a book that gives us permission to feel but also to hear.
In the Psalms we find recognition and clarity because each of the psalmists gives an honest voice to our deepest struggles. They also give us a chance to hear another voice: that of our caring and ever-present Father. This is the voice we need to hear in the middle of the night when despair keeps us awake. The voice of God can sing us back to sleep. Join us as we read through a psalm, share a short devotional, and end in prayer.