Three Truths for the Crazy Momma

I saw a quote on Pinterest that said “Sometimes I let the crazy momma out every once in awhile just to let me kids know she’s there.” I have to admit, crazy momma comes out more often than I want her to. I’ve noticed some sort of pattern, but in the heat of the moment, I can’t tell you what let’s her loose. Mother’s Day is so hard, because I don’t want to be celebrated when I feel like a failure…

Do You Hate the Proverbs 31 Woman Too?

I’ll admit it: I don’t like her. The woman who seems to have it all together. The one who has her husband, children, and family singing her praises seems to make my blood boil. I might smile at her from across the aisle at church, but deep inside I’m steaming mad. Who can compare with perfection? And for most of my motherhood I saw the Proverbs 31 as only perfection. Comparing myself to her left me feeling empty and disappointed….

Is Patience Even Possible as a Mom?

Is it even possible to have patience, especially as a mom? I wonder this a lot, especially as a mother. I had PERFECT patience before kids. In fact, other kids rarely bothered me at all. I loved kids! I loved to babysit, hold babies, and watch toddlers. When we look up the word patience, I guarantee my picture is NOT there now. My own children get under my skin like nothing else! And after talking with other moms, especially moms of…

5 Things I’ve Learned as an Mama of {Almost} 5

Ok. I’m going to be honest: mommy-ing is hard, and I’ve only been doing it for (almost) nine years.  This summer I’ll become a momma of 5 kids. FIVE. I knew I would have a big family as a girl, but I didn’t know how big. (We leave for China this summer to bring home our sweet boy. Click here to be on the mailing list for updates!) I definitely didn’t foresee adoption as part of my story, but I’m…