How to Stay Thankful Free Printable

The carnival arrived in town. As we crossed the bridge, we saw the rides, concessions, and lights. We parked the car and walked across the pavement to the grass. My hands were clammy and my heart beat fast. The old ticket was folded then handed to the attendant. We strapped our bodies in the ride and I breathed in deep. Willing my heart to clam, I wiped my hands on my jeans and turned to my friend. We offered each other a weak…

How to Tune Your Heart to Thankfulness

Give thanks. Don’t you just love all of the pictures of the #30daysofthankfulness? I love seeing the smiling families, sweet animals, pretty scenery, and coffee cups. It isn’t a secret being thankful changes our hearts. It gives us a peace and joy we might not always see. Don’t get me wrong, if you are posting your 30 days of thanks, it doesn’t bother me so much as it has stirred a longing in my heart. I’ve never participated in the…

A Letter to My Hurting Friend

Dear friend, I am writing this to you because I can’t say all of this in person. I see you in the hallway and I can’t seem to find the words. The tears come too easily when we meet. I’ve avoided talking to you, but not thinking about you. The loss, the pain, and the utter heartbreak seem too big. So much pain and so unfair. I wanted to scream at God when I heard the news. I’ve struggled with…

Goodreads for the Fall

Hi Friend! I have a couple of great book recommendations for you! *This post contains affiliate links. See my statement on the right for more information. The first is Ann Voskamp’s new book, The Broken Way. One of my favorite lines is this one. Its tucked deep in the center of the book….. And though I don’t know how today’s story will end, I remember faith thanks God in the middle of the story.  I’m in the middle of my story…