Scripture Cards – I Am the Truth & #TuesTalk

  As we learn to walk in the daily, TRUTH is needed. And the source of TRUTH is Scripture. We can…… 1. Read Truth. 2. Speak Truth. 3. Write Truth. To help keep the TRUTH close to your heart, I’ve created special Scripture Cards for the month of June! Download and print them for FREE. This week, our truth is about the source of truth. Jesus is our source of truth. Not only that, but grace. So full of grace! Our Savior stands…

Daily Truth Cards

There are a million truths for every lie. So speak out loud and let it lift high. There are a million reasons to cover your eyes. But the Light is Shining through the darkness we hide. So come, Let it Shine. -All Sons and Daughters When the lies threaten our peace. Cause us to to stay awake at night. We must speak truth to our heart. Truth will not be anxiety-filled. Truth will not be filled with dread and doom. Truth…

The Secret to Thriving in the Ordinary

Can I remind you of something: Mundane doesn’t mean unimportant. Sometimes a hard life is just an ordinary one. The ordinary is where our faith is lived out. “It does require the supernatural grace of God to live twenty-four hours in every day as a saint – to go through drudgery as a disciple, to live an ordinary, unobserved, ignored existence as a disciple of Jesus. It is inbred of us that we have to do exceptional things for God; but we have…

Birthdays, Cupcakes, and Gratefulness

What I’ve learned this birthday weekend…. First, Pinterest is always telling me how much I’ve failed. If I’m comparing myself to Pinterest, I’ll always fall short. I made a Monopoly cake based on a Pinterest idea I found, but I kept comparing mine to the original. No one saw the original. It wasn’t about that anyway. My son’s response: “I don’t like it mom, I LOVE it!” Success. Not a failure. And he did see the original. Second, I felt…