I’ve Found Something I Can’t Live Without

My father-in-law has a saying as he leaves a store: We found something we just couldn’t live without.  It is a joke. He knows that. Most of the time we are buying things we don’t really need. The grocery store, browsing the aisles of Target, and window shopping at the mall allow me to face the reality of being grateful.  Am I a grateful for the things in my life? Am I thankful for all that God has provided? I would like to…

One Little Word – 2016

As we enter the New Year, many will be making goals, resolutions, and dreaming big dreams. I want to simply this year with my “New Year’s Resolution.” I am going to chose ONE WORD to focus my heart. A word to move me forward. A word to help me remember the past. A word to direct me.  And help keep me on track for my dreams for 2016. A word God can use to draw me closer to Him.  I also…

From the Father & Tuesday Talk

And the Word become flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 From the Father. Our Heavenly Father sent His Son in the world. Jesus. It was through Jesus, according to scripture, we could see the Father. As Jesus lived His life, in the flesh, He revealed who the Father was. God was so clearly seen as The Father when…

Dwelt Among Us & Tuesday Talk

And the Word become flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14 Dwelt Among Us.  When I think about Christ dwelling with us, I often think of the time He was here on earth. Around Christmastime, that’s what we tend to think about. We marvel and worship our King who came as a baby. Sometimes I wish I was alive during…