Monday Morning Blues {2}

Grab your coffee for five minutes. Here are some thoughts to help you get over your Monday Morning Blues.  I look at my to-do list. Is it bad that I have to write everything on two pages? I stare at the list and realize: “I don’t want to do any of this.” Deep within me I sigh a huge exhausted sigh. I reach for my extra large coffee mug. The flowery cup is chipped in a couple of places. I remember falling…

God Speaks at She Speaks

When I was little, my mom always said, “Sarah, you are such a homebody.” Not to be confused with the “homie” term of today. She wasn’t telling me she thought I was her BFF. No, she was commenting on my lack of desire to leave the house. Don’t get me wrong. I loved hanging out with my friends: sleepovers, mall trips. But my mother recognized my happiest place was at home. I loved the comfort. The safe feelings and all of…

The #1 Waiting Secret

  “Mother, may I take three steps?” “Yes, you may take three baby steps” “Mother, may I take five steps?” Yes, you may take five froggy steps.” Did you play “Mother May I?” when you were younger? In the game you always have to ask the question and then the one at the finish line answers with the type of steps you are allowed to take. You may take five frog jumps. You may take four baby steps. Two backwards steps. Bunny hops. Kangaroo jumps. But everyone playing the…

Four Tips on Making the Bible a Priority for Your Children

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Talk! For the next few weeks, in honor of schooling starting back up, I’ll be sharing some tips – no matter if you are home schooling, public schooling, or private schooling! Four Tips for Making the Bible a Priority for Your Children During the School Year: In our home, school is important. The year my oldest learned to read I felt the pressure. I spent the entire year patiently teaching him the letters, sounds, and blends. The phonics…