Tuesday Thoughts – Door of Hope

For the next few Tuesdays I’d like to share some Scripture God has laid on my heart.  Hosea 2:15 And there I will give her her vineyards and make the Vally of Achor into a door of hope. I read “anchor” instead of Achor the first time I read through that verse. Then, I saw the footnote in my Bible.  It said that “Achor” means “trouble.” And the reference took me to Joshua 7:26, which is a verse in the context…

Mom Tip Monday – Finding a Routine

A new series for July – Mom Tip Monday. Each week I’d like to share some tips I’ve found after over seven years of parenting. I know I don’t have all the answers – and I invite you to join me in sharing YOUR best tip on the topic for the week. This week is: Routines How do we find one? How do we keep one? What works best? Everyone has an opinion concerning routines – but it really just depends. When formulating a…

Tuesday Thoughts – Where is Your Gaze?

For the next few weeks, I want to share some Scripture that God has laid on my heart. Psalm 26 Vindicate me, O Lord, for I have walked in my integrity, and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. Prove me, O LORD, and try me; test my heart and my mind. For your steadfast love is before my eyes and I walk in your faithfulness. It sometimes seems as if evil is always winning.  All of the hard things in…

Mom Tip Monday – Taking a Break

  A new series for July – Mom Tip Monday. Each week I’d like to share some tips I’ve found after over seven years of parenting. I know I don’t have all the answers – and I invite you to join me in sharing YOUR best tip on the topic for the week. This week is: Finding a Break I walked out of the door and sat in my car.  I took a deep breath.  It is time for just…