Is Joy Possible in Motherhood?

Do you need joy in your life? I think we all wonder if joy is even possible in motherhood. I can tell you yes. Keep reading to discover three ways to practice joy and find the answer to the question: is joy possible in motherhood? We juggle a lot as mothers. We juggle cleaning, cooking, teaching, and organizing. Some mothers work outside the home – adding a new dimension to the juggling. (I have always had a great respect for working-mothers!)…

Two Ways to Love Your Child Today

Two Ways to Love Your Child Today I have five children. Five. It seems like a lot. I guess it is. I’ve learned the secret to loving your children and it has nothing to do with hugs. Ok. Hugs are good. But keep reading to find two ways to love your child today.  Laundry and teaching have a lot in common. We will always be doing laundry. Similarly, we will always be teaching.  Our families will always have dirty clothes and…

Three Reasons Why Prayer Really Matters

Three Reasons Why Prayer Really Matters I’ve read a lot of books on pray, but by far the best book I’ve read on prayer was Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore. I’ve actually read through the book twice. It is a journal-type book to record your prayers. If prayer is something you would like to do better, I would highly recommend this book. It has taught me the value of prayer. So here are three reasons why prayer really matters. …

Six Tips for A Better Prayer Life

Do you make excuses?  Do you have excuses when it comes to prayer?What if God doesn’t hear you? Time is rushed. Can I encourage you to keep going? Those excuses can be easy fixed! Keep reading for six tips for a better prayer life.  Prayer is something that all Christians do. It is something that all Christians want to do better. But we struggle with the most. It seems so easy to say to a child:“Close your eyes and bow your head.”“Just…