How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy

How We Know God’s Word Is Trustworthy Have you ever been betrayed by someone? I think we’ve all been there. I remember being betrayed by close friends in my early twenties. I was an adult, married, with a little baby. These things didn’t happen to me now, right? I wasn’t in high school anymore. But I was betrayed. Lied about and hurt deeply.  In our deepest hurts we sometimes hold on to the lies the enemy whispers: We can’t trust…

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan

Three Steps to Make Your Own Bible Reading Plan  What are you struggling with right now in your life? Do you need hope, joy, faith, or strength? I’ve talked for years about how the Bible meets every single one of our needs. It is true. Sometimes we might not know where to start reading.  If the Bible really does speak into every need we have, where do we find these verses? How do we find help when the Bible seems…

10 of God’s Promises for You

10 of God’s Promises for You  One of the most frequent questions I hear God ask me is this: Do you trust My promises? Of course my heart would like to say, YES! Of course I trust Your promises. Unfortunately, my actions speak louder than my words. I worry, doubt, and try to manipulate my circumstances so that it doesn’t really look like I trust God’s promises. It is a teeter-totter of emotions, but really I need to hop off…

Let Go of the Lonely Label

Let Go of the Lonely Label  What is your name? What does the name tag you wear say about you and what you believe about yourself? Women everywhere are living in loneliness. Sometimes it rears its ugly head when they least expect it. Often it simmers under the surface, whispering lies they believe to be true. Because their circumstances go unchanged, they begin to tell themselves they are unloved, uneasy, and unseen.  These are the names they write on the…