Maximize the Micro-Moments in Your Marriage

Today I’m so happy to host a guest blogger, writer, and friend! Amanda Davison is the wife to a Minnesota farmer, mother of three, and President of the nonprofit, A Wife Like Me. She is an author and speaker, and serves on staff at her local church, where her and her husband lead the marriage mentor team. Amanda is relentlessly sharing how her education in counseling and God’s word changed her life and marriage. You can be a part of…

How Are You Measuring Success in Motherhood?

As we move out of our house this coming year, I’m wondering what to do with the part of the wall in our hallway. You see, it isn’t just a part of the wall, it is a piece of our family. Every six months we stand the children up to the hall and measure their height. As the years go by, we look to see how far they’ve grown. Bittersweet memories flood my mind every time I walk past that…

How to Have Hope in Prayer

Thank you God for this food, thank you for the boys at school and daddy at work. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Every day my youngest likes to pray for breakfast. In fact, he is insistent about prayer and is a little OCD about the process.  Everyone must bow their heads and close their eyes.  Everyone must be present at the table.  We MUST end the prayer with “In Jesus name, Amen.”  Although it is so adorable and sweet, I am…

When Hope Doesn’t Bring Joy

Romans 15:13 says: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Paul prayed this prayer for the dear Christians in Rome. Paul had never met them but he loved them because they were fellow workers for the cause of the gospel. Paul prayed for all of the believers in Rome to have hope. Not only to have hope, but that the…