Summer of Psalms

Summer of Psalms for Busy Moms Do you struggle with finding time to read the Bible during the summer Is your summer Bible study routine mismatched and disjointed? Do you lack focus and direction in Bible reading? Check out my brand new 40-day reading plan. In this plan you will be able to read the Psalm, write your prayers and journal your thoughts and answer reflection questions all in one place! SUMMER OF PSALMS FOR BUSY MOMS is the perfect answer to your busy…

Three Truths for the Crazy Momma

I saw a quote on Pinterest that said “Sometimes I let the crazy momma out every once in awhile just to let me kids know she’s there.” I have to admit, crazy momma comes out more often than I want her to. I’ve noticed some sort of pattern, but in the heat of the moment, I can’t tell you what let’s her loose. Mother’s Day is so hard, because I don’t want to be celebrated when I feel like a failure…

Do You Hate the Proverbs 31 Woman Too?

I’ll admit it: I don’t like her. The woman who seems to have it all together. The one who has her husband, children, and family singing her praises seems to make my blood boil. I might smile at her from across the aisle at church, but deep inside I’m steaming mad. Who can compare with perfection? And for most of my motherhood I saw the Proverbs 31 as only perfection. Comparing myself to her left me feeling empty and disappointed….

Is Patience Even Possible as a Mom?

Is it even possible to have patience, especially as a mom? I wonder this a lot, especially as a mother. I had PERFECT patience before kids. In fact, other kids rarely bothered me at all. I loved kids! I loved to babysit, hold babies, and watch toddlers. When we look up the word patience, I guarantee my picture is NOT there now. My own children get under my skin like nothing else! And after talking with other moms, especially moms of…