5 Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study

Five Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study For two summers I babysat my younger cousins who lived across town. They were nine and seven. I was around thirteen or fourteen. Their mom went to work at 7:30 each morning. So instead of my mom getting up early and dragging out my brother and sisters, I rode my bike across town each day. I relished the feeling of freedom, peddling on the backroads. I traveled the same roads each…

10 Truths for Moms for a New School Year

10 Truths (for Moms) for a New School Year Last week I shared how I’m a new “kindergarten-mom” this year. I am feelings ALL OF THE FEELINGS about not homeschooling and God leading us. Through it all, I’m learning TRUTH will combat the feelings and provide a light. If you are struggling with mom guilt, or loneliness, or a myriad of feelings this school year….. To help, I wrote some truths out for mommies about back-to-school. Whether you homeschool, public…

Four Reasons to Read Your Bible 

Friend. Let me tell you about who I used to be, and how marriage, motherhood, and ministry has changed me when it comes to my “quiet time.” I remember a special time in college when I would get up an hour earlier than I needed so I could spend an hour in God’s Word. An hour. It seems almost impossible now, as a mother of five with writing, church responsibilities, and homeschooling. Laughable almost to think….but it was my life…

Four Ways to Study the Bible

Four Ways to Study the Bible This amazing workbook of resources includes these four methods! 1. The JOY Bible Study Method: JUST WRITE IT – Writing out God’s word is perfect excursive when we aren’t “feeling” close to God. It is a great way to get His Word in front of our eyes. We have to pay attention to what we are reading. We slow down and notice words we wouldn’t normally see. OBSERVE WHAT YOU SEE – I would…