Daily Love Printable and Tuesday Talk

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! Imagine a son and a father. One day the son says to his father: I wish you were dead. The son takes all of his father’s life insurance money and leaves. He gathers up his things. Leaves behind all that his father has given him for a place and people far away from all who love him. Imagine that father waiting. Pacing the…

Daily Portion Printable and Tuesday Talk

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! We can push aside our fears. Our anxieties. Our worries and stress for only so long. Soon they will surface. We will be tossed to and fro on the waves of a uncertain future. Our lives are filled with questions – having no answers. Our hearts are torn and dreaming of a future when it all turns out right. But…

Daily Strength Printable and Tuesday Talk

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! I know you feel empty. I’ve felt it too. I’ve been in the roller coaster of adoption paperwork and just felt devoid of everything. Joy. Peace. Strength. Those times saw me run to the One who promised me these things. As I tried to fill my heart with scripture reading, I had in mind I had to fill it all…

Peace for a Lifetime Book Review (and Giveaway)

Peace is not something I feel like I have in my life. With four little ones, I realize peace and quiet isn’t about the level of noise, but the state of my heart. I decided to read Lisa Murray‘s new book: Peace for a Lifetime: Embracing a Life of Hope, Wholeness & Harmony Through Emotional Abundance. I am so glad I did. Before reading Lisa’s book, I never would have connected my emotions to the peace in my life. Yes, peace…