Seven Steps to Raising Grateful Kids

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! *I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! Before linking up, let me share with you some things I’ve been learning from one of the best parenting books I’ve read in awhile!  by Kristen Welch In this brand-new book by Kristen Welch, discover how saying “no” can lead to life’s biggest “yes.” One of the most powerful chapters is the last one: “Where the Rubber Meets the Road.” In this chapter, she…

But God Had Other Plans – My Valentine’s Story

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! Today we are going to have a blog hop of our love stories! (read my story below) Beth at Our Pretty Little Girls  //  Becky at BYBMG Jessica at Sweet Little Ones  //  Emily at Raising Barnes Stephanie at Wife Mommy Me  //  Stasia at Our Life on a Budget Sarah at Abiding In Grace  //  Ruthie at Rear. Release. Regroup. Laura at Life Is Beautiful  //  Christina at Waltzing In…

The Most Important Thing You Can Give Your Friends

I’ve never been one to have a lot of friends. The ones I do have, I am very close to. Something happened in college where I lost both of my childhood friends at once. It was a deep and lasting blow to my heart. It happened right before one of them was married. I had a bridesmaid dress. It sat in my closet as the wedding day came and went. I attended the other friend’s wedding a few months later, not as…

When The Tools of Restoration Are Painful

He is so hard working. My husband. And he is always working on something. The man of many talents….the master of none. He jokes he is a master of all. He wakes up slow, not really a morning person. But He loves to work once he is awake. His mind is always moving. Always fiddling with something. In our garage you will find various projects. A colleague of my husband mentioned to mom about Jason during medical school: “We would…