A New Way to Make Goals

Do you struggle with setting goals for the new year? Do you make them too high and fail? Do you not dream big enough – finding that you meet the goals, but with little satisfaction? Throughout the year, do you find that your goals go by the wayside as “real life” gets in the way? I want to leave you with these two simple words: NO GUILT.   God’s grace should cover all of your goals! Do not feel guilty if…

New Year 2015

One year ago today we filled out our first application to begin the adoption process. In February, on the day of our first home study meeting, my husband found out he had lost his job. In March our family took a much needed vacation.  The day we were leaving we rejoiced in Jason’s new job. God was clearly working behind the scenes and for our good. In April Jason began his new job.  It has much better hours and we are so…

A New Year

Starting in January, I want to focus on “New Year’s Goals” To get ready for this series – I want to know: What types of goals to you make each year? Family? Fitness? Faith? What types of deadlines or timelines do you set for yourself? What do you do with last year’s goals? How do you cope you goals that are unmet? I will be having guest writers and bloggers join me for a great month of inspirational and motivational…

The True Lamb

The True Lamb My second son Titus has a sweet little stuffed lamb he sleeps with every night.  For our Teen Christmas play, we needed it for the manger scene.  A week or so before the play, I snatched it up to take with us.  He watched me leave the room with his precious lamb and melted into a puddle of tears.  I could not take “Lamby” early.  He didn’t mind that Lamby was going to be in the play,…