Free Printable Prayer Journal

Free Printable Prayer Journal Prayer has become my lifeline in the mornings. It is a way for me to become centered and concentrate on God. And I am so not worthy of such an honor. The God of heaven, who sits on His majestic throne with hosts of angels surrounding Him, singing praises to Him, and still He listens to my prayers?! Isn’t that amazing? I can’t even imagine such an honor.  Sometimes I sound like whining child, but really…

When You Don’t Want to Hang On

If you have been following me on IG the past few weeks, you’ve noticed I’ve been reading a new book and having my heart and mind changed in all the good ways. It is called Its All Under Control by Jennifer Lee Dukes. Let’s just like call her JDL because when you read this book, you feel like you know her. My life is FULL of busy and sometimes I have a (really) hard time knowing when and how to…

How to Truly Rest As a Mother

How to Truly Rest As a Mother (The following is from my book, The Glorious Ordinary) “To hush the spirit, to be silent before the Lord, to wait in holy patience the time for clearing up the difficulties of Providence—this is what every gracious heart should aim at…God is worth waiting for.” – CH Spurgeon  “Please take a nap.” I whispered to my three and half year old, rubbing her back. She stubbornly crossed her arms while sitting up in…

A Friendship Bible Reading Plan

My husband is a physician and we joke about WebMD (no, its not a real doctor). The other day I ran across an article on WebMD about friendship. It had a cute little graph, but basically the relationship between your physical help and friendship is amazing.  They said those with friends recovery faster from illnesses, have lower blood pressures, fight depression easier, and get more sleep.  Those who have friends are less likely to die young and less likely to…