Set Fire to Fear with PRAYER

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” Phil. 4:6 One winter our area was hit with a huge snowstorm. Over eighteen inches were recorded to have fallen in just two days. It devastated our region. Our house was ok, but the trees were the biggest threat It was during October, so the leaves were still on the trees, which caused the limbs to be so heavy…

The Five Steps to a Power-Full Mind

Both times my husband and I went to China to adopt our two children, we climbed the Great Wall as part of the trip. I remember the first time I caught a glimpse of the Great Wall from the tour bus as we pulled into the parking lot. It wound around the mountain, going what seemed like straight up. As we climbed up the steps to the first landing, I felt my heart race with excitement and little bit of…

Three Steps to Finding Light in the Darkness  

Three Steps to Finding Light in the Darkness Did you know a lighthouse itself doesn’t illuminate anything around it? In fact, the island where the lighthouse sits gets none of the brilliance. All of the light goes out to sea. The man who cares for the lighthouse doesn’t see the ships in need of saving. He can never see where the light is going as he sits in his darkness. During this season of Christmas, do you find yourself surrounded…

5 Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study

Five Ways to Keep Going in Your Bible Study For two summers I babysat my younger cousins who lived across town. They were nine and seven. I was around thirteen or fourteen. Their mom went to work at 7:30 each morning. So instead of my mom getting up early and dragging out my brother and sisters, I rode my bike across town each day. I relished the feeling of freedom, peddling on the backroads. I traveled the same roads each…