How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope

How to See In the Dark: A FREE Reading Plan on Hope  “Hope itself is like a star- not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ”- CH Spurgeon Do you find yourself surrounded by darkness? Maybe it is full of fear, anxiety, or depression. Maybe family relationships are strained, and are only filled with bitterness and strife. Darkness seems to permeate our world. Light is the first thing…

When Fear Interrupts Our Plans

When Fear Interrupts Our Plans  These words were written several years ago, but sometimes feelings return because circumstances in our life change on a dime. These are the days of….fear. I still don’t have this perfectly sorted out, but I can say Fear does not have to have the final word.  More tears began to flow. I hated myself for feeling this way. The tightness in my chest came first. It slowly inched its way from the center of my…

25 Days of God Listening – Reading Plan

25 Days of God Listening –  A Reading Plan  Loneliness is nothing new, but I sense it is becoming more and more prevalent in our society these days. Even with a house full of kids, a husband, and a cat, I feel empty.  I feel this creeping sense of loneliness poke around the corner. It is pulling a seat up to the table of my heart. The fear of the future is real. The day-to-day struggle of isolation is real…

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading

Five Tips for Reading Your Bible if You Don’t Enjoy Reading One of my sons doesn’t particularly like to read. We finally found some book series that he likes, so he was excited to begin reading “for fun.” Until he had read all of the books in the series. Then he was done reading for fun. As he struggles to read, I was struck with the thought: “How can I encourage him, a non-reader, to enjoy reading the Bible?” What…