Set Fire to Fear with PRAISE

Set Fire to Fear with PRAISE The day God began teaching me about living daily was the day I discovered a deep fear. I was sitting on a hot bus and traveling at a snail’s pace in the heart of Guangzhou, China. I sat beside the window looking at the people below on the streets. They were cooking in the open air, standing in doorways of shops, and walking along the sidewalks. Children were bundled in three layers, even in…

The Beauty of a Bruised Banana

No one in our family likes the brown bananas, but after Micah’ story from her new book, Anchored In, I might have to rethink the way I look at my beat-up fruit on the counter. The bananas sat on the kitchen counter, brown and bruised from little hands that tied to help carry in the groceries. A normal family might toss them in the trash can but I have a member of my family who loves brown banana. It’s not…

The Five Steps to a Power-Full Mind

Both times my husband and I went to China to adopt our two children, we climbed the Great Wall as part of the trip. I remember the first time I caught a glimpse of the Great Wall from the tour bus as we pulled into the parking lot. It wound around the mountain, going what seemed like straight up. As we climbed up the steps to the first landing, I felt my heart race with excitement and little bit of…

Three Steps to Finding Light in the Darkness  

Three Steps to Finding Light in the Darkness Did you know a lighthouse itself doesn’t illuminate anything around it? In fact, the island where the lighthouse sits gets none of the brilliance. All of the light goes out to sea. The man who cares for the lighthouse doesn’t see the ships in need of saving. He can never see where the light is going as he sits in his darkness. During this season of Christmas, do you find yourself surrounded…