The Daily Grace Bible Study Method

The Daily Grace Bible Study Method Can I do this? My five-year-old begged to open the plastic toy with paint and a faux stained glass picture. Sure, I replied. Her sister, my four-year-old, walked into the room and handed me her picture. I signed. And I admit…. I didn’t want to sit and guide her wobbly hand to dip the paint brush into the small paint samples and then help her bring color to her stained glass space ship picture….

When Life Feels Out of Control

When Life Feels Out of Control *This post contains affiliate links. It doesn’t cost you anything additional, but my family is blessed if you use my link!  (Excerpt taken from Anchored In: Experience a Power-Full Life in a Problem-Filled World * by Micah Maddox) Kneeling on my kitchen floor surrounded by dropped cheerios from yesterdays breakfast seemed like the place I always landed. My knees pressed to the cold tile floor, hands gripping my Bible, tears dripping from my trembling chin…

The Joy Bible Study Method

The Joy Bible Study Method  Joy. Its a choice we make. A place we want to live. Joy is sometimes missing though. I know it is missing from my life. Like a friend who seems lost and gone. So many scriptures talk about Christians having joy, but really, the Christians seem to be the least joyful people. My sweet Liana Joy taught me so much about joy. And she’s still teaching me. When we named her “joy” it was just…

How to Find Freedom from Fear

How do I free myself from fear? I didn’t know the fear building up until one night I sat shaking on the couch. My husband and I were talking about the future, and it seemed my heart was torn in two. I knew I trusted God, but in those moments He felt so far. Where was God in the middle of the unknowns? We have our son, and his medical needs are so much less severe than our daughters. We…