How to Start Hearing God’s Voice Now

I’m so thrilled to have Jennifer guest posting today. Her insights into God’s Word are amazing. Enjoy and give her a follow!  Before Fred and I were married we spent a week in Brazil doing mission work.  We worked at a school, did construction work, and helped with several other things.  His brother lived in Brazil at the time, so we decided to stay an extra week with him.  He lived in a coastal city called Fortaleza.  (If you are…

How to Live with Eternity, While We Fold Laundry

How do I remember eternity, when I’m stuck in the ordinary and consumed with the daily tasks and to-do lists? The big thoughts of scripture are easy to see when we read the Bible. We even feel a stir of hope in our hearts when we hear them preached on Sundays. How do we live, though in the middle of our present with a view of something we’ve never seen? I’ve always admired that passage in Hebrews which talks about…

Summer of Psalms

Summer of Psalms for Busy Moms Do you struggle with finding time to read the Bible during the summer Is your summer Bible study routine mismatched and disjointed? Do you lack focus and direction in Bible reading? Check out my brand new 40-day reading plan. In this plan you will be able to read the Psalm, write your prayers and journal your thoughts and answer reflection questions all in one place! SUMMER OF PSALMS FOR BUSY MOMS is the perfect answer to your busy…

Is Patience Even Possible as a Mom?

Is it even possible to have patience, especially as a mom? I wonder this a lot, especially as a mother. I had PERFECT patience before kids. In fact, other kids rarely bothered me at all. I loved kids! I loved to babysit, hold babies, and watch toddlers. When we look up the word patience, I guarantee my picture is NOT there now. My own children get under my skin like nothing else! And after talking with other moms, especially moms of…