How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Staying Focused

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Staying Focused  “Focus,” I said to my five-year-old son. Outside the world was green and brown with the forest behind our house. He noticed a squirrel jump onto the ledge of the backyard deck. The window was right in my Kindergartener’s line of sight. “Let’s switch places,” I responded. After gaining his focus, I struggled to keep it.  I couldn’t get too mad at my son because I was so similar when…

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Choosing Where to Read Have you ever asked this question: Where do I read in the Bible today? Today I want to share how to study the Bible for beginners with the NUMBER ONE way you choose where to read. It is super simple and I hope you keep reading to find out what I mean by this! Get a Plan. When we have a plan, SOMEONE else chooses for us! If…

What Does It Mean to Believe the Bible is True Forever?

What Does It Mean to Believe the Bible is True Forever? He remembers His covenant forever, The word which He commanded,  for a thousand generations,  Psalm 105:8 Fifteen years ago I made a covenant with my husband to marry, cherish, and love him for the rest of my life. Most days it is easy, but there have been days it has to be a choice and not a feeling. I’m so glad God’s love and word is not like that!…

How the Bible Gives Us Hope

How the Bible Gives Us Hope  I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, And in His word I do hope.  Psalm 130:5 Gently rocking a newborn to sleep one morning I gazed at my coffee cup. It was filled halfway with cold coffee. In the middle of my desk is my prayer journal. With only a few words written at the top and an incomplete sentence I gazed at the unfinished tasks before me. The “to-do” list from yesterday…