The Only Way to Know Christ

The Only Way To Know Christ Knowledge is everything. Knowledge is power. Knowledge is only important if you know the right things. One of my favorite newer songs we sing in church is “Knowing Christ.” It was taken from Philippians 4:10. The entire passage says: But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom…

How to Praise God When We Don’t Feel Like It

How to Praise God When We Don’t Feel Like It When I was a little girl, our church joined two other churches in the area for a revival. Each night of the week we would gather at one of the churches for a service. The first night was at our sweet little white church.  The next night we drove a few miles to the brick church next to the river. It was tall, and stately. All three choirs joined together…

How to Live an Unseen Life

How to Live an Unseen Life “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High..” Psalm 91:1 When I read about those “secret” places, I thought my friend Stephanie. My mother used to babysit Stephanie when her and her sister were little. They would spend their summer days at our house. We would play Barbies and paper dolls. Remember the cut-out paper dolls? Hours were spent outside swimming in a small pool on the patio or swinging on…

How to Host Your Own Bible Study

How to Host Your Own Bible Study Many years have passed since I first opened my home to a group of women to study the Bible. For the next few posts I’d like to share a series on hosting and leading a Bible study in your home. When we host and lead a Bible study we wear two hats. For this first post, I’d like to share how to host a Bible study. Whether you are doing the teaching or…