It Just Happens

We use the phrase “it just happens” often, but do things just happen to us? Is God just reacting to circumstances….or is He orchestrating everything?   God has this.   God is in control.   I trust God.   My faith is resting in Him.   We say these statements through our life, either to others or to ourselves.  Many times we say them when things are going ok and we really do believe them.  We do have faith.  Our…

Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

I have been reading as much as I can about China lately (Obviously!) and I decided I also wanted to read about missionaries to China.  Who better to start with than Hudson Taylor?  The book “Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret,” was already in my possession and even though I’ve read it before, I decided to read it again.  While re-reading, I discovered some very exciting truths about God and abiding while reading through his life. I HIGHLY recommend this book!  You can find…

God is Still Teaching Me

God is Still Teaching Me I thought the other day: “What would it be like to be an artist in New York City?” Now, I’m not an artist.  I’ve only been to New York City once and it was completely overwhelming.  I was really asking myself: what if I were someone different?  Simply put, I guess I wondered if I would be the same person, have learned the same lessons, or even been on the path I am now?  I sometimes wonder if…

How Kindness Honors God

How Kindness Honors God Kindness is…compassion.tenderness.helpfulness.gentleness.generosity.selflessness.forgiveness. Galatians 5:22 says it is a “fruit of the Spirit.”Ephesians 4:32 says “and be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” When I think of kindness, I think of two things:Someone who is gentle and sweet.Someone who goes out of their way for others. My husband is very gentle and sweet.  I knew I wanted to marry a man who was good with children, and I…