Daily Joy Printable and Tuesday Talk

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! We can dream about tomorrow. We can live our lives just waiting for this day to be over. Counting the days until we know life will resume to a normal pace. We can get off of this dusty road of uncertainty and live again. Can I come along side you and offer a little hope? Can I whisper in your…

Daily Grace (Giveaway)

I’ve been thinking so much about living in the daily. Abiding is all about living TODAY. Its about being present. I worry so much about tomorrow, and if there will be enough. Enough joy. Enough strength. Enough provision. Enough….grace. But there is. Always. Because my God is a God of enough. He has called me to live in the present. And He’s right here with me. Reading my Bible and prayer are two of the best ways I can stay focused on living in the…

Perspective Teaches Gratitude

Welcome to TUESDAY TALK! *I’m so glad to have you join me this Tuesday for our weekly Tuesday Talk Link-Up! Before linking up, let me share with you some things I’ve been learning from one of the best parenting books I’ve read in awhile!  by Kristen Welch In this brand-new book by Kristen Welch, discover how saying “no” can lead to life’s biggest “yes.” One of my favorite quotes in this book is: “Nothing teaches gratitude like perspective.” Kristen explains:  “If we compare with…

The First Thing to Say When Doubt is Shouting

A friend wrote me a note last week: Pray for me. I’m struggling with anxiety. She recognized the source of the anxiety was lies, but her heart just felt so worried. I prayed for wisdom, as I typed a quick response. I wrote: Speak truth to your heart. I saw the word lies and realized the only help I could offer her was truth.  And the only source of truth, is God’s Word. When we are surrounded by anxiety and stress,…