The Faith of a Harlot

Rahab. The prostitute, with her red cord and brazen lies are the subject of books, commentaries, and articles. Rahab. A woman who started out with a questionable past and then finds herself in the linage of Christ. Rahab leads our study on faith for the month of November. Rahab’s story is found in the first few chapters of Joshua. We find Rahab living in the land of Canaan. God had promised this land to His people. It was time to conquer it….

31 Days {Almost}

{Almost} Almost finsihed. Finished with 31 Days of writing. It has stretched me. This month of free-writes. My perfectionist nature would like to revise. Edit. Take-back maybe somethings. Yet, it has taught me the value of saying the words right the first time. We cannot just “almost” be certain things. We are called, as Christians, for more than almost. We are called to love. Love without conditions, because it was how we are loved. We cannot almost have joy. Or peace….

Seven Lessons I’ve Learned {so far} This Year

Seven Lessons I’ve Learned This Year From January to March our lives were busy with preparing to travel to China. Finishing up adoption paperwork, packing, and home schooling. March to May is a little blurry. Cocooning. That’s pretty much it. March was the month of transition. A month of transformation. A month of shifting. A shift in our world, a shirt in our hearts. June through September brought us out of the “China fog” and into a summer of relaxing, fun, and…

31 Days {Sea}

{Sea} The sea, in all its beauty and draw, has been written about for centuries. Our God is a great Creator, designing something so grand, so powerful, so amazingly beautiful. The sea, for me, is a place of rest. A place where we do not live. A place where my family goes for vacation. The sea is our time to rest and relax. Today I am thinking about our schedule. Our busy life and how the sea is calling me….