31 Days {Storm}

{Storm} As the sky grows dark, the rain drops begin to drop. One at a time. Only a few. Then a few more. More and more until a downpour. The thunder roars in the distance. Lightening lights up the sky. Storms in life sometimes come upon us by surprise. We are having fun playing and laughing in the sunshine, then suddenly we find the sun is gone and we are alone with the wind and the rain. We run inside…

31 Days {Rest}

{Rest}   Rest is found in You. In only Your Word. With a soft blanket and warm socks, snuggled on the couch I find the rest. Not in my circumstances. So many fears of the future. So many question marks for today. So many thoughts to keep me captive. Letting go of the fear. Fighting the questions with truth. Quieting the thoughts in my heart with whispers of songs. Rest is found in my heart, not my hands. I can…

31 Days {Ready}

{Ready} I’m ready to move forward. Ready to go. But He says: Wait. Ready for the new adventure around the corner. Ready for some light in our life. But He says: Wait. I really like to know all the steps that I need to take for something. I like seeing the path. knowing the destination. But life isn’t like that. Life doesn’t give us all the steps. Even if we try to guess and try to figure it all it,…

31 Days {Purple}

{Purple} My bruises are hidden. The broken pieces of my heart are not seen. But He sees.  And in those broken pieces and lack of peace in my heart is not where I want to live my life. He heals me. Through the power of His love. I do not need to live in the shadows. His Light calls me. To love the unlovely. Not just the orphans around the world, but the woman across the aisle at church who…