Be Still and Know – Tuesday Talk

Be still. Stop striving. Once we are quiet and our souls find a little bit of rest…..then what? God call us to rest and abide in Him. Abide and rest. Make your home with Christ rest in your heart. It starts with more than just a heart position. There is purpose in our being still. Our purpose is to KNOW. Be Still and Know…..Be Still and Abide Know He is God. Psalm 46:7, “Be still and know that I am God….The…

7 Habits of Resting

I recently asked my friends on Facebook,”What are some habits you have that allows you to REST?” Lots of things were mentioned. Soaking in a tub. Reading a good book. Laying out in the sun.  Being in God’s creation. Just staying home. Coloring and crochet. Sleep. No electronics. What about you? What do you love to do that allows your mind and heart to rest? Although all those activities are amazing and good for our soul. Our circumstances will constantly be changing….

Breathe In Trust

  We have tried to grow apple trees twice in the past ten years.  They’ve never produced fruit for us.  Not because my husband didn’t try, nor is it because we haven’t had enough rain or good soil. We’ve done all the right things, but we have deer. We live in what would be considered the city. A suburb of the capitol of our state. Home to over 100,000 people.  It seems there are just as many deer.  We’ve come…

Waiting Wednesdays {2}

  Do you want to hear a lie that most women believe? It is lie from Christian women, secular women, and ultimately it is a lie Satan wants you to believe. The lie is I am enough. Mothers and women everywhere know that our deepest fear in life is that we are not enough. We cannot be good enough. Smart enough. Beautiful enough. Loving enough. Doing enough. So, we tell ourselves and our daughters, sisters, mothers, and friends that we are…