31 Days {Fly}

{Fly} I long to fly. Fly and be strong. Courageous. Brave. Free. Instead, I feel stuck. If the Christian life is like a race, I’m definitely the turtle. Slowly, inching my way to the finish line. Knee-deep in darkness and mud. Glimpses of light show me I’m still on the path, but oh to FLY. To be the bird, and rise above all of the hurt. The guilt. The sin of this life. I long to fly. Instead, I’m limping…

31 Days {Patience}

{Patience} Let’s not pray for patience. For we know our God will give us people for which to be patient. Let’s not ask for patience, for these people will come into our lives who will demand we be patience with them. We want the virture, but not the work. There is no virtue without the work. And yes, patience is a virtue. Not a high and lofty virtue never to be gained. We are called to bear the fruit of…

31 Days {Storm}

{Storm} As the sky grows dark, the rain drops begin to drop. One at a time. Only a few. Then a few more. More and more until a downpour. The thunder roars in the distance. Lightening lights up the sky. Storms in life sometimes come upon us by surprise. We are having fun playing and laughing in the sunshine, then suddenly we find the sun is gone and we are alone with the wind and the rain. We run inside…

31 Days {Rest}

{Rest}   Rest is found in You. In only Your Word. With a soft blanket and warm socks, snuggled on the couch I find the rest. Not in my circumstances. So many fears of the future. So many question marks for today. So many thoughts to keep me captive. Letting go of the fear. Fighting the questions with truth. Quieting the thoughts in my heart with whispers of songs. Rest is found in my heart, not my hands. I can…