How to Read the Gospels

How to Read the Gospels What are the Gospels? Maybe you’ve heard that word or maye you do know what they are, but let me give you a quick introduction. The word “gospel” means “good news.” In the Bible there are four books with the title “Gospel.” They are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. They are the first four books in the New Testament.  The Gospels tell one story but from four different viewpoints. The gospels are eye-witness accounts to…

Books I Read in May 2024

Books I Read in May 2024 Each month I love to share with you what I’m reading. Although I love reading the Bible, I read other books too! I read a combination of fiction and nonfiction. I read poetry, fiction, nonfiction, horror (sometimes), and our family is especially fond of listening to audiobooks in the car!  As a way to help me keep track of what I read each month I’ll be making this list and linking to those books…

What I Learned from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy

What I Learned from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy Picking up the Lord of the Rings trilogy I knew it would be daunting. Although I love reading fiction, I rarely, if ever, reread any book. What prompted me to do it was twofold. I wanted to have some kind of fiction book to read at night and knew I needed an uplifting and classic book to help me go to sleep. My mind needs to shut off and put…

Why God Uses Stories

Why God Uses Stories Do you like stories?  As a child I loved listening to my mom read us stories. She also taught us stories at church and with Gospel clubs during the summer hosted in our homes. Growing up I heard stories all of the time. Stories about people and places I’d never been to, but stories took me there.  As soon as I was old enough to pick my own stories I did just that. My mom homeschooled…