10 Psalms for Anxiety

It was over ten years ago that I first realized I was not okay. One day my alarm didn’t go off, and my children were awake before the coffee had started brewing. I was already frustrated, and I didn’t even know why. With a lot of responsibility, deadlines, and tasks ahead of me, I did not want to even get out of bed, let alone go make breakfast for my children. It was then I needed these 10 psalms for anxiety…

10 Psalms for Depression

The dark clouds always follow me. That’s how I described my depression early on when I first noticed it. The sadness we feel when we have to say goodbye after a wonderful visit, or the feelings of dejection when we are not invited or asked to leave a place of work. There is a melancholy feeling of doing the same things over and over again. I needed these 10 psalms for depression. Depression, sadness, and grief all mingle into one…

10 Evening Psalms

Each night I lay my head on the pillow. I stare up at the ceiling. We run our ceiling fan each night, winter or summer. The air gets stuffy in our room if we don’t. On those days where life felt busy and I never sat down for a moment makes me feel even more tired at night. It is on those days of busy life that I find myself wide awake at night. After years of struggling, I found…

10 Morning Psalms

A few months ago my husband’s job shifted slightly. Instead of being at work at 8am, he had to be at work at 6am. This meant he wanted to go to bed earlier. I am naturally a morning person, so when he started getting up early I would as well.  Changing our routine was forced upon us because of his job, but I have come to love my morning time, which led me to discover 10 morning psalms.  Each day…