How God Loves Us, Even in the Hardest Days

In the land of the goodness of God we will see His hand.  You might feel as if you are living in the land of the empty, not the land of goodness. You might feel barren, lonely, or just plain hurt by life. It might be hard, but let’s take a look at a particular psalm. We can see how God loves us, even in the hardest days in Psalm 88. The author wrote this song in the middle of a…

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today When someone asked me a few weeks ago what I was feeling at the beginning of 2021, I think the words: “cautiously hopeful” came out almost immediately. I’m cautiously hopeful this year will be better. Are you wondering if you could choose hope too? Sometimes the practical is the best.  If you need some immediate hope I encourage you to try one of these things: Four Ways to Choose Hope Today:  1. Go outside….

5 Minute Prayers for Hope

5 Minute Prayers for Hope  One of the things God has taught me over the years has been to pray for the things I want. I’m not talking about having a genie in the bottle. I’m not talking about asking God for things. I’m saying we need to ask for the things God wants to give us. If you know me a little bit you know I very much believe in the sovereignty of God. In fact, I pretty much…