How to Be Intentional When Life is Crazy

Summertime is usually our calm-time. We spend our morning relaxing and chilling before we head to the pool. This summer, on the other hand, is going to look a little bit different. This month we are traveling to China to bring home our fifth child, a little boy only two-years old. We have decided this is the summer we will not get to do the “same old things.” In fact, I’m not quite sure what this summer will look like….

{Part 1} When God Seems Far

Part 1 of a 4 Part Series entitled The God Who Knows The God Who Knows My Present  O Lord, You have searched me and known me.  You know my sitting down and my rising up;  You understand my thought afar off. Psalm 139:1-2 The present is the now. I have been living my days for the past two years in the present. With a special need’s child and mothering, I’ve been struck with the glorious ordinary. The daily is somewhere…

How to Start Hearing God’s Voice Now

I’m so thrilled to have Jennifer guest posting today. Her insights into God’s Word are amazing. Enjoy and give her a follow!  Before Fred and I were married we spent a week in Brazil doing mission work.  We worked at a school, did construction work, and helped with several other things.  His brother lived in Brazil at the time, so we decided to stay an extra week with him.  He lived in a coastal city called Fortaleza.  (If you are…

What We Lose When We Focus on God as a Personal God

One Monday morning I felt all the Monday-Feelings.  I woke up and drank from the same coffee cup. I got their lunches ready, like I do every Monday morning. I ate a boring breakfast, and fixed cereal again for the kids. We got in the car and we drove the same road we’ve driven every morning for the entire school year. How I do keep going, when life is so boring? How do I find excitement each afternoon, trying to…