An Overview of the Book of Ruth

An Overview of the Book of Ruth I want to go out on a limb and say you’ve probably read or heard about the book of Ruth in the Bible. One of the most famous stories in our Old Testament, Ruth tells the story of a foreigner woman who chooses to live with her widowed mother-in-law and then ends up marrying a rich landowner. Makes for the perfect Hollywood love story, doesn’t it?  Only, what if the book of Ruth…

How to Encourage Your Friend to Read Her Bible

How to Encourage Your Friend to Read Her Bible  She sat across from the table at our local coffee shop. Her hands were warming around the to-go cup. We chatted about life, husbands, and then church came up. I asked her where she was going to church. She hesitated, and made a small excuse about being tired on Sundays. I smiled, and just said, “I’ve missed you.” That was all. I asked her if she was reading her Bible. She…

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Finding a Partner

How to Study the Bible for Beginners – Finding a Partner  Friendship has always been a little tricky for me. I’m not sure if it is my personality or if life’s circumstances have led me to be this way. I am not considered a “social butterfly.” I don’t like to be noticed or the center of attention. One of my biggest fears as a child and teenager was standing in front of people to perform. Another fear was walking into…

Maximize the Micro-Moments in Your Marriage

Today I’m so happy to host a guest blogger, writer, and friend! Amanda Davison is the wife to a Minnesota farmer, mother of three, and President of the nonprofit, A Wife Like Me. She is an author and speaker, and serves on staff at her local church, where her and her husband lead the marriage mentor team. Amanda is relentlessly sharing how her education in counseling and God’s word changed her life and marriage. You can be a part of…