Why Nothing is Wasted

Why Nothing is Wasted, from Moses’ Story A waste of time. I am very much the type of person who doesn’t like to waste time. In fact, I am constantly trying to do two (or more) things at one time in order not to waste time. Do I need to drive to take a child to a game or practice? I’ll listen to my audio Bible to get my Bible Reading in for the day.  Maybe I need to watch…

Five Ways God’s Goodness Follows Us

Five Ways God’s Goodness Follows Us I don’t see any good in this…..I wept the night I heard about my friend’s suffering. Her family was walking a long and dark path. How would they survive? I prayed in desperate hope that God would meet them in their pain. If “all your works are good…” how could you allow this? I thought aloud to God.  In one of the most famous psalms we find this verse at the end:  Surely goodness…