Why All Moms Need a Breather

Moms, we need a breather. I walked out of the door and sat in my car.  I took a deep breath.  It is time for just me. I listened to silence as I drove to the store.  I casually looked over my list, slowly crossing off my items as I placed them in my cart. Grocery shopping alone is amazing.  I never liked going to the store, but if I get to be alone and go – I am in…

Eyes Off of the Pool

In John 5 we read a spectacular story. Jesus heals a man that has been sick for a long time.  The interesting part isn’t necessarily the miracle.  Of course it is amazing that Jesus heals this man.  What is even more amazing is a simple question Jesus asks the man first. When Jesus meets him, this man is sitting by a pool.  The pool of Bethesda was a superstitious pool.  The people believed that an angel came down and stirred the pool.  Whomever…

Even the Ordinary

So many of my days feel unimportant. Boring. Exhausting. Small. Meaningless. Full of very ordinary things like sweeping, dishes, mac ‘n cheese, and diapers. Although the tasks are ordinary, we serve in such extraordinary ways.  “And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” – Colossians 3:17 – It is not the ordinary things, it is the way in which we do the ordinary….

It Just Happens

We use the phrase “it just happens” often, but do things just happen to us? Is God just reacting to circumstances….or is He orchestrating everything?   God has this.   God is in control.   I trust God.   My faith is resting in Him.   We say these statements through our life, either to others or to ourselves.  Many times we say them when things are going ok and we really do believe them.  We do have faith.  Our…