How the Psalms Are a Place of Comfort

How the Psalms Are a Place of Comfort The moment I realized I needed more than a sentiment was the time I laid in bed cried. The tears were literally soaking my pillow. The next morning massacre marked the white cotton. Good vibes, simple prayers, and love from those around me couldn’t solve the hopelessness I felt deep inside my soul. Have you ever felt this way? Overwhelmed with anxiety you literally struggled to breathe? Deep in the pit of…

How to Have Hope in Prayer

Thank you God for this food, thank you for the boys at school and daddy at work. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Every day my youngest likes to pray for breakfast. In fact, he is insistent about prayer and is a little OCD about the process.  Everyone must bow their heads and close their eyes.  Everyone must be present at the table.  We MUST end the prayer with “In Jesus name, Amen.”  Although it is so adorable and sweet, I am…

When Hope Doesn’t Bring Joy

Romans 15:13 says: “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Paul prayed this prayer for the dear Christians in Rome. Paul had never met them but he loved them because they were fellow workers for the cause of the gospel. Paul prayed for all of the believers in Rome to have hope. Not only to have hope, but that the…

Why All Moms Need a Breather

Moms, we need a breather. I walked out of the door and sat in my car.  I took a deep breath.  It is time for just me. I listened to silence as I drove to the store.  I casually looked over my list, slowly crossing off my items as I placed them in my cart. Grocery shopping alone is amazing.  I never liked going to the store, but if I get to be alone and go – I am in…