Honest Moments about Messes

I am joining Keri from Living in this Season for a special series. Keri is a stay-at-home mom with three little ones.  She has two little boys and a brand new baby girl!  She writes about motherhood, fun activities, recipes, and DIY projects! Every Monday we are going to be sharing. Today we are sharing honest moments about messes. Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook would say that life is perfect.  Everyone is always smiling.  The house is neatly decorated.  Families never…

Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret

I have been reading as much as I can about China lately (Obviously!) and I decided I also wanted to read about missionaries to China.  Who better to start with than Hudson Taylor?  The book “Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secret,” was already in my possession and even though I’ve read it before, I decided to read it again.  While re-reading, I discovered some very exciting truths about God and abiding while reading through his life. I HIGHLY recommend this book!  You can find…