Three Ways to NOT Fight Loneliness

Three Ways NOT to Fight Loneliness  How can life be lived with so much busyness but also so much loneliness? My home is literally filled with noise, but I wonder how I can feel the ache of empty in my heart. Until I see my Bible, sitting on the table beside me. It is here I find the filling I need. Only, in this season I’ve found myself reading about the Bible and not reading the Bible itself.  As a…

Honest Moments – I Am Lonely

It’s Monday – Honest Moments: I am lonely. I wake up to little feet bounding down the stairs. As I make my way down to the kitchen, I am greeted by cheerful, but demanding voices. I’m hungry, I’m thirsty. Can we have mac n cheese to eat? I pour my coffee, rub my back and begin my day. Honest moments: I am lonely. It is the simple conversation that dominates my day. Hey Mommy, did you know…. Mommy, can I…