When We Long for Springtime

Snow is in our forecast this coming weekend. Driving through the dark, city streets on our bi-monthly date night I pondered the cold winter months. We are moving to Honduras soon. In fact, while I’m typing this we’ve been back in the States for three days after a week-long trip. I miss the warm weather – even if it did rain. The warm weather does a heart good, doesn’t it? Living in an area where we get all four seasons…

How to Remember God’s Kindness

When the first of the year rolled around, I had a special word in mind for the year: enjoy. I picked it because I wanted to just enjoy this year with my children. They seem to be growing up so fast. I can’t even handle it! My oldest will be eleven this year. The moments are going by fast, as everyone told me they would. When I thought about this year I wanted to enjoy life in West Virginia for…

Six Psalms of Hope

Six Psalms of Hope One of my favorite verses is in Psalm 42. A few years ago I spent the full year in the book of Psalms. I read the verses over and over again. After I had read through the book several times I dicicd to park on a few of my favorite psalms. It turned out most of the chapters I decided to focus on where all about one thing: HOPE. In a world full of bad news,…

Feeling Depressed? Say this one thing…

Feeling Depressed? Say this one thing… “Be Strong and Brave…” it says on a card above my desk. I bought it for my boys’ room, but haven’t found a frame for it. So it stands up on the window above my desk. Strong and brave is something I’m not very good at. In fact, I’ve had a lot of moments when I’ve wanted to give up because I was too afraid. (Or too depressed; or the anxiety was too great;…