Loneliness & The Long Obedience

Loneliness & The Long Obedience  Do you know about Sarah, the wife of Abraham, found in Genesis 12? At first, her name was Sarai, which means princess. Surely, she was her father’s princess. One day Sarai’s husband came to her with a vision from God. They would leave. Everything.  Not only was Sarai to say goodbye to her country, but her family as well. Sarah took her possessions; but she could not take her family. You see, even though Abram…

Intimacy Over Isolation

Intimacy Over Isolation  These are the days of…..isolation.  Living in Honduras has already slowed my life in a myriad of ways. I notice I don’t rush to get up. I’m not worried if we are late. My to-do list doesn’t get all done, but my heart is ok. Because tomorrow will come soon enough. There has been more reading, sewing, and art. Music and writing has flooded our home. We all sit and laugh more.  I’ve already felt a little…

How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life 

How You Can’t Miss Out On Your Life FOMO. Do you have it? The fear of missing out can be a very subtle pull in our hearts. The working moms fear they are missing out on the small moments at home. The stay-at-home moms are afraid of being less-than by a world consumed with productivity. One of the lies loneliness will tell us is we are missing out on our life. Loneliness sometimes causes us to feel less-than, left-out, and…

One Way to Lift Your Loneliness

One Way to Lift Your Loneliness Surely I was the only mom who felt this way. My husband had to practically push me into the shower to wash up. “We are going out for dinner.” He told me after arriving home to see me a teary mess. Our newborn son lay in his crib, finally asleep after hours of crying. Being a new mom, I didn’t want to leave him but I also wanted to run away. The crying was…