When the Spirit Prays for Us

When the Spirit Prays for Us  When I first read Romans 8:26, I was consumed with gratitude. Can you imagine the gift, honor, and grace involved in the Spirit’s intercession for us? Intercession means to “act on the behalf of someone else.” The Spirit does this for us every single time we pray. What comfort we can gain from this amazing knowledge. Paul spoke about the Holy Spirit’s work in Romans 8. In this chapter, we find six ways the…

Holding Fast to What is Good

Holding Fast to What is Good I read these words in I Thessalonians 5:21 the other day: “Hold fast to what is good…” It got me thinking about what I’m holding onto these days. What am I looking forward to? What am I anchoring myself in? I often turn to other things – people, food, circumstances – to help me feel safe. I don’t need to tell you those things are not going to ever make me feel safe.  The…

Did You Know the Holy Spirit Prays for You?

Did You Know the Holy Spirit Prays for You?  The third person of the Trinity can be the forgotten God. We often miss His work by simply forgetting Who He is and what He is doing in our lives. God is triune: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. And all the divine attributes of God and Jesus are also in the Holy Spirit. When you believe and receive Jesus, God moves into you in the person of the Holy Spirit, guiding…

Does Prayer Even Matter?

Does Prayer Even Matter?  What role does prayer play in my life? I have had to ask that question because my own heart is so prone to wander. When I say that, I mean my heart would rather sleep in, skip the prayer request time, or simply say vague, “God bless…..” kind of prayers. I’ve always struggled with making prayer a priority. Although I’ve made positive steps, I still struggle with this spiritual discipline. I think my perfectionist tendencies sees…