31 Days {Honor}

{Honor} Honor was always something I felt was reserved for God. Only He deserved the honor and praise. A special place in our hearts. First. Set apart and unique. Honor wasn’t something I should need or want. Yet, I read: “‘Honor your father and mother.’ This is the first commandment with a promise.” Ephesians 6:2 and “honor the faithful followers of the Lord, and keep their promises even when it hurts.” Psalm 15:4 So, do we deserve honor? Did God create us to want…

Why Don’t They Just Leave Me Alone?

I just want a break. I want to be alone. I need quiet. Please, no one ask me for anything. No one say my name. No music. No television. Just the sounds of…..silence. If I could cook one meal in peace, I would be happy.  It is the reason nap time and bed time are sometimes a mother’s favorite time of the day. Yet, when I travel out of town, who do I miss the most? Yes. Those little humans who are…

Are You Feeling Forgotten?

Genesis 40:23 – “Yet the chief cupbearer did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.” Do you feel forgotten in your waiting? Left out. No baby showers or pregnancy countdowns while I wanted to bring home our China girl. No apps to show how she is growing. No tips or tricks in preparing the nursery. No check lists for recommended baby registering 101. No. Women adopting are often forgotten in the sea of waiting. Do you feel forgotten in your waiting? Looked over….

Breathe In Prayer While We Wait

5 Reasons to Pray During Our Season of Waiting 1. A Chance for Intimacy God invites us to pray and talk with Him! What a privilege?! The God of Heavenly hosts is calling us to come to Him with our requests, and our hearts. His very throne room is available anytime. Jer. 29:11-14 Rev. 3:14-22 2. Start with God’s Word When you don’t know where to start, begin by reading the Psalms and praying those words to God. It may sound silly,…