Search Results for: fun friday


Let’s get it together mothers. Let’s stop saying our lives are not glorious. Its true, our lives are not glamourous. Our lives our not filled with globe-trotting adventures. We don’t stand before thousands sharing words that inspire. We don’t live in huge houses with maids and nannies and swimming pools. Maybe you do, but it still…

The Secret to Working Hard

Work. Work. Work. The secret to working hard is…. 1. Don’t sleep. 2. Give up fun things. 3. Add more things to your list. Are you still reading? Good. Because I have to confess, no one needs to read about getting more work completed. Or giving up sleep to get it all done. We do that fine by ourselves….

Four Tips on Making the Bible a Priority for Your Children

Welcome to this week’s Tuesday Talk! For the next few weeks, in honor of schooling starting back up, I’ll be sharing some tips – no matter if you are home schooling, public schooling, or private schooling! Four Tips for Making the Bible a Priority for Your Children During the School Year: In our home, school is important….