Search Results for: joy

31 Days {Laugh}

{Laugh} Do we laugh enough? We laugh to avoid embarrassment. We sometimes laugh to ease the tension. Do we laugh from a place of joy? A place of happiness? I find my laughter comes easiest when I am living a certain type of way. Calm. Rested. Peaceful. Simple. When my life is categorized by these…

31 Days {Patience}

{Patience} Let’s not pray for patience. For we know our God will give us people for which to be patient. Let’s not ask for patience, for these people will come into our lives who will demand we be patience with them. We want the virture, but not the work. There is no virtue without the…

31 Days {Purple}

{Purple} My bruises are hidden. The broken pieces of my heart are not seen. But He sees.  And in those broken pieces and lack of peace in my heart is not where I want to live my life. He heals me. Through the power of His love. I do not need to live in the…