Search Results for: joy

31 Days {Almost}

{Almost} Almost finsihed. Finished with 31 Days of writing. It has stretched me. This month of free-writes. My perfectionist nature would like to revise. Edit. Take-back maybe somethings. Yet, it has taught me the value of saying the words right the first time. We cannot just “almost” be certain things. We are called, as Christians, for…

31 Days {Wave}

{Wave} One of my favorite memories of our trip to the beach was when my two middle children were playing in the waves. The five year old barely remembers the beach from two years ago, but the three year old was barely a year old. So, she was experiencing the waves for the first time….

31 Days {Worth}

{Worth}   My invisible box of things of worth….. The love between my husband and I. We celebrated ten years of marriage. Twelve years of being together. The love I have for him has grown and deepen in ways I didn’t know possible. The love we share is worth a lot in in my invisible…