Search Results for: joy

Five Steps to Walking by Faith

Five Steps to Walking by Faith Salvation. Accting Jesus as your Savior is your first step of living by faith. Surrender. A surrender definitely happens at the moment of salvation, but each day following we must surrender. Christ has called us to “take up your cross.” (Luke 9:23) It means to give God the proper acknowledge…

The Forgiven Are Faithful

A moneylender loaned money to two people. The first needed $1000. Maybe it was for a house payment. A month of groceries. Necessities for life. The second needed $50. Maybe he needed some new shoes or jeans. Maybe to help with a few groceries. A few dollars to help him get by until the next paycheck….

The Faith of a Harlot

Rahab. The prostitute, with her red cord and brazen lies are the subject of books, commentaries, and articles. Rahab. A woman who started out with a questionable past and then finds herself in the linage of Christ. Rahab leads our study on faith for the month of November. Rahab’s story is found in the first few…