The Soap Bible Study Method
The Soap Bible Study Method
As I sat with a friend, she was sitting next to me in the chair pulled over from across the room. I sat in the swivel chair. Foil and pink highlights stuck out froth top of my head. As she crossed her legs, and leaned on the arm rest, I looked at my sweet friend. Her eyes glistened as she told me this coming weekend was her baby’s birthday. The one who passed away just last year. We sat there in her salon, holding back the tears.
I’ve known this girl since we were in sixth grade. We had a rocky start, with middle school drama, but high school drew us in. College and a few mistakes drifted us apart again, but time and forgiveness and God brought us back again together. So as we weep with those who weep, I wondered how she smiled, even on the days she visits the cemetery. I wonder how she walks through the front doors of the church on Sundays, praising God in the mess of this horrible world we live in…..and I realize TRUTH. The hope of heaven, the truth of God’s faithfulness, and the fact that her story isn’t over yet keeps her moving forward.
She admitted that day that grief was changing. It wasn’t “getting better” – it was just changing. And its ok. We humans are who are always changing. Morphing and moving into different people. Our friendship sure has changed since seventh grade. So when I think about change, good or bad, I think I need something to NOT change. I need an unchanging thing in my life. A constant. So here it is. Every week this month we’ve talked about Bible study. How joy is found in simple writing it out. Growing and daily grace will come when we set God’s Word as a priority and see Him working in the small things.
For today I want to offer a simple, well-known Bible study method. It is called the SOAP method. Maybe you’ve heard of it. When we have choices on HOW we study God’s Word, we won’t make it just something to do – but something to help us keep a hold of what is true.
The Soap Method is:
Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. Sometimes mixing it up helps us to keep focused and moving forward! **NOW AVAILABLE** I have this method, plus 3 additional Bible study methods all found in one workbook. The digital version is READY! Check it out here!
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What a beautiful story you shared about you and your friend! Grateful for the way you weave stories with your bible study words!
My heart breaks for mama’s who have lost children. Thank you for sharing, Sarah. This is the third time this week I have read about “changing and changes.” It reminds me of Bethany Mcllrath’s post. I love it when I see a connection in words. This study method will be easy to remember; I pinned it. 🙂
Sarah, thanks for offering these different Bible study methods. It’s so important that we study God’s Word and not just read it to check off our to-do list. Otherwise, we have nothing to ground us when we go though hardship like your precious friend. You have such a valuable ministry here.
Sarah- thank you for sharing your friend’s story! I’m glad you’re there to support her.
Your Bible study workbook looks great!
Praying for your sweet friend. Thank you for sharing. I am walking along side a good friend that lost her son. It helps to hear others stories. Plus I miss him like crazy too.