What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow

What to Do if the Harvest Seems Hollow

I look at the years they have been in my home, gone to church, and still they struggle. I wonder about the seeds I’ve planted. What will they bring? It has been a joy to see them blossom this year. Their sweet personalities have come out. Jack’s generous spirit but lack of organization is highlighted. Titus’ sweet, accepting, and easy-going personality in all of the friends he’s made. The way his teacher describes him reminds me of who they really are: people with souls, personality, and not just warm bodies to feed, clothe, and guide each day.

Today I’m drinking my coffee while my girls watch some T.V.  Quietly soaking in the stillness. The harvest is coming with my children’s hearts. I wonder what the harvest will bring. Sometimes I think of my children as adults. I think of friends (and some family) who were brought up in church, taught God’s Word, yet have chosen not to accept or believe it as they entered into their adult years. What will happen to my children? Our move is coming.

Even though the amazingness that makes up my two boys are evident, where I’ve failed as mother is better seen too. I feel like these nine and seven years they’ve been in my home everyday, all day long, I’ve missed teaching them some things. The seeds I thought I had planted didn’t take root. Rightnow, they are small things. I realize it isn’t “too late….”

Maybe you have teenagers or adult children. What happens when we feel like all of the seeds were washed away? What happens if the harvest seem empty? 

So when the harvest seems empty, I remember this ONE truth:  God is faithful with the harvest. New beginnings are always possible. The seasons remind us, no matter the winter, God’s spring will come. The harvest is never about me.

The confidence I have as a mother is not in my ability, or my children’s choices. The confidence comes in the Lord of the harvest. When Jesus spoke these words to the decipsles, it was subtle language with which He  provides some truth for us:

Matthew 9: 37-38 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few.  Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

The Lord of the harvest is our faithful Father.
It is He who calls.
It is He who equips.
It is He who brings the fruit.

Paul speaks to the Christians in Corinth. In this one verse he reveals the true source of the harvest. Apollos was another Gospel-preaching man.

I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. I Corinthians 3:6 

If the harvest seems hollow, we can have a hushed heart when we hope in a Heavenly faithful Father. 

What are you planting today? Maybe it isn’t children. Maybe it is a dream. Or maybe a ministry. May God grant you grace to let go. I pray God will keep hope in your heart because it is HE who provides fruit. The Vine is created for the fruit, not the branches. We are only as strong as the connection to Jesus.

Stay abiding.
Stay still.

“God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1

A present and a “right now” help is what I need. Do you? Let go today. God has called you to be still, plant seeds, but the harvest is His. Take comfort in knowing God’s word will never return void.

Feel free to print these prayers of harvest and place them somewhere you can see.

If the harvest seems hollow, I will have a hushed heart when I hope in a faithful Father.

This was part four of a four-part series on harvest. Read part one herepart two here, & part three here.

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