7 Reasons Why to Love the Fall

Everyday my daughter asks me if it is fall. 

Is today fall? She says. The boys say no. I say “almost’ and she is so confused with the change of sessions. I tell her the seasons are not definite. Fall is when the leaves turn colors and the air gets a little colder. It is September and today it is 80-90 degrees outside. So it definitely doesn’t feel like fall, but pumpkin spice lattes are everywhere and the change in the calendar’s date feels like it should be fall. We’ve had school for two weeks now and I’m seeing all of the Halloween decorations in the store.

I can see her confusion. Are the seasons related to the change in weather or the change in calendar? So many times I’ve forgotten what season I am in with motherhood. The seasons of life change so subtly. Suddenly we can go to the store and the dentist without a diaper bag because everyone is potty trained. When did that happen? I have only my purse on my shoulder and I feel like I’m forgetting something. 

When I say, go get dressed for bed, everyone can pretty much (other than my special need’s daughter) can get their PJs and for what its worth sort of brush their teeth. Everyone can sit and listen while I read a book. We can all go to the movies together. We are moving out of the baby season here in our house and I wonder, what else is changing? 

My life is becoming a lot less frantic, even though I have a full calendar. I’m getting laundry done, which is a huge thing for me. Usually I’m so behind in laundry.  I’m writing more. I have a couple of projects I’m working on. As the season shifts toward fall, I wonder if my God has granted me my request: to work with rest in my heart. There is no right or wrong thing about various seasons, and sure I’ll miss the baby things, but selling our crib, high chair, and double stroller feels like an end. And it is sort of of. 

But looking up a a tree right outside my window, I see one red leaf. Just one. The other leaves are green all around it. But the red leaf reminds me, it is soon a change of season. I am sad to see summer go, but happy for fall. The cooler weather will be nice; the Appalachian mountains are in their most beautiful state during autumn, so I’m sad and happy to see changes of seasons. 

Mostly because summer will come again. 

After fall is winter? She asks. 

Yes. I reply.

After that?

Spring and then summer again. 

Summer comes again. And the seasons are constantly changing – and life is constantly changing. As soon as I get comfortable, God will move us again. I know now we will be moving to Honduras and there is no way I can predict what type of season that will be. Will I be in a winter season? A summer season? Not the weather – but in my heart. How will my heart feel when we move away from family and friends? Will I like it there? Those are simple, childlike questions, but that’s where my heart is. 

Just like my daughter hasn’t lived enough years yet to know what each season brings….

What happens in the winter? She asked me. 

Just like her, I haven’t lived enough years yet to not be weary of the future. What will it be like? I want to know. But I will never know what the new season brings, but that’s ok. God does. And God is the same. 

O what a comforting thought! 

God is the same throughout all the season changes. What I love about the seasons is we can see various attitudes of God’s character. He is the same, but I see different things depending on the season. 

  • He is making all things new in the spring. 
  • The warmth of summer and the slower pace reminds me of His constant presence. 
  • Fall reminds me that He never changes. 
  • And winter is a reminder that He is working beneath the surface. 

Here are my seven reasons why I love the fall:

  1. The air is cooler.
  2. The leaves are bright and beautiful in their glorious oranges and reds.
  3. It reminds me that seasons change, but God does not.
  4. The birds find their homes in warmer weather. Love seeing them in the sky.
  5. Scarves and sweaters are in season.
  6. Hot cocoa (or coffee).
  7. Days to stay in under a blanket

Why do you love fall?

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