How to Stay Safe When the Rain Comes

The rain comes fast these days in Honduras. We’ve only lived here six months, but I’ve learned something about Honduran thunderstorms. You can’t see them coming. A quick walk around the block can be unexpectedly interrupted by the boom of thunder and a flash across the sky. The rain doesn’t just start to sprinkle, it immediately pours! There have been times I’ve walked outside to clear blue skies when a few minutes later the sky turns dark, the world clouds over, and in the distance I can hear thunder.
What in your life feels like a storm? Death, grief, cancer, loss, divorce? Friend, can I lean in close and tell you something? There’s always a storm coming. When things are good, we can know for certain a storm is around the corner. Maybe today you find yourself in a particular situation that feels like a storm. Days, weeks, and months swiftly pile into years. How long will this lonely season last? How long will I feel the ache of tears and when will the rain go away? Will I always feel this way? How do I stay safe when the rain comes?

How to Stay Safe When the Rain Comes
When a new month rolls around, we get out our planners, we hold our pens over the empty pages. What will this month look like? I’m tempted to fill my days with the same old things. Instead, I’m asking God for a new type of month. Maybe you can too. This lonely season can be the beginning of the rescue. This loneliness can be the blank slate to start again.
If the storm never blows over, if the war feels long fought, if I am weary, worn, and confused – this is where He can be trusted. In the storm I find I can rest because rescuing is what He has always done.

I wonder if this is how Noah felt after the flood waters had drained away. Even after the flood was gone, did he wonder why so many people had to die? Why did God chose him to live? Why all of the heartache? Every time the clouds covered the sky did he tremble at the remembrance? Or did his heart leap with joy at the rescue? The Great Rescue would have been the title of his novel. Genesis 6-10 reads like a novel, doesn’t it?
Noah wasn’t just someone who followed God, but someone who had faith. He knew how to stay safe when the rain comes. Noah believed God before the rain and I think that’s the key to the rescuing. Believe God today, even if there is no storm. Believe God today even if you can see clouds coming. Believe God today even if the rain has been pouring for months or years.
Can we still praise God if we were stripped of everything? Thanksgiving is not only about what God does for us but all God is for us. Friend, there are lots of things God does for us for which we can give thanks. I mean He does so much! Salvation, listens to our prayers, and provides our needs. We can give Him thanks for all of these things, but I believe there is more.

As I reflect back on this year I want to remember all God is instead of thinking about what He’s done. Yes, I am thankful for all God has given me and done for me, but I want to be thankful for just simply who He is! Will you join me? For the next fourteen days let’s read verses in the Bible that remind us of God’s character and spend some time rejoicing in our God who is beyond comparison! Download the free PDF here!