Four Ways to Choose Hope Today

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today

When someone asked me a few weeks ago what I was feeling at the beginning of 2021, I think the words: “cautiously hopeful” came out almost immediately. I’m cautiously hopeful this year will be better. Are you wondering if you could choose hope too? Sometimes the practical is the best. 

If you need some immediate hope I encourage you to try one of these things:

Four Ways to Choose Hope Today: 

1. Go outside.

Simply step out of your house or workplace and breathe in the air. You are alive and giving thanks for this simple thing will spark hope in your heart! The fresh air will do amazing things physically and emotionally for you.

2. Read one Bible verse on hope.

Below you will find a link to a list of my 40 Days of Hope Bible reading plan. Just reading one verse a day allows God to speak to you with the truth of His word. The power of the word of God will bring hope back to your heart.

3. Say a prayer for someone else.

You might know someone else who is suffering – can you pray for them? Looking outside ourselves allows hope to grow in our own hearts. Send a text message or email or write a note and stick it in the mail to remind that person to have hope.

4. Remember God is still working your heart.

You have all you need in Christ. Rest and be secure in this truth. Reading God’s word, praying, and serving others will lift our eyes away from our heartache and onto God’s purpose for our life. Don’t give way to the darkness – God is still working on you!

Listen to these words by my friend Keri who wrote for the book, Songs of Hope Vo. 2

When unexpected moments happen, we can get trapped in fear. There was a time where I felt fear creep up every time the phone rang because I was certain it was a call relaying bad news. Fear does this, it steals our joy. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We can choose to live another way. While we cannot completely rid our lives of fear, we can be intentional in turning from fear and turning to God. Yes, there will be trials in life. There will be unexpected moments. It is in these unexpected moments that we are reminded of our need for Jesus. Life on this side of heaven will always have struggles and this is why we need Jesus. He is our refuge. 

Don’t forget to get your copy of Songs of Hope Vo. 2. In this anthology of hope, you will be encouraged to find Jesus and look to God during times of heartache. If you are struggling to have hope, I hope you will check it out!

Get the book here!
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